Data Scientist/ Research Assistant - COOP
- Organization: University Of Waterloo
- Duration: April 2020 - August 2020
- Location: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
- Language: Python
- Report: Report
- Review from the Employer: Review
- Github: Drug-Target-Interaction
Overview: 2-3 minutes
The identification of Drug – Target interactions (DTIs) is a one of the most critical steps in drug development and discovery. It can enable researchers to develop novel drug compounds for the existing drugs. Identifying these Interactions can be very tedious, expensive and requires a lot of wet lab experiments; A huge number of these interactions still remain undiscovered.
Many methods exist which use the properties of the protein sequence and the ligands to predict these interactions. In this method I incorporated the properties of the binding site along with these properties; making it the first time this was ever done.
I created my own dataset where I downloaded complex (protein - ligand) files from the Protein Data Bank(PDB), separated the protein from the ligand and extracted the binding site of the ligand. The procedure to extract the binding site was to consider all the atoms of the protein within a particular distance from the atoms of the ligand. Once extracted, my code ran on 250 distributed nodes which was used to extract the properties of these ligands and binding site; Hence featurizing my dataset.
Once my dataset was finished constructing, I used various visualization techniques to visualize the data and transformed each feature to a Normal distribution. I Then removed all the highly correlated columns as well as the columns with very little variance. Afterwards, I applied feature selection techniques like LASSO and Random Forest Importance to select the best features and implemented various Machine Learning models like XGBoost to get a cross validation score of 84.4% on my dataset along with an ROC value of 0.918
In depth: 20 - 25 minute read
The identification of Drug – Target interactions (DTIs) is a one of the most crucial steps in drug development and discovery. It can lead researchers to develop novel drug compounds for the already existing drugs. Identifying these Interactions is very tedious, expensive and requires a lot of wet lab experiments; A humongous number of these interactions still remain undiscovered. Many methods exist which use the properties of the sequence and the ligands to predict these interactions; In this method I incorporate the properties of the binding site along with these properties. I created a new dataset which was built from the complex files present in the Protein Data Bank. Finally, I used various Machine Learning algorithms and our accuracy peaked at 84.4% and got a ROC value of 0.918.
Firstly, pharmaceutical discovery and development is a very complicated and costly research with a lot of limitations. Ashburn and Thor provided an alternative method to accelerate drug discovery, which is repurposing/ repositioning an older drug. To elaborate more, it takes roughly 1-1.5 billion dollars on an average and at least 10-15 years to get the drug approved by the FDA and bring it to the market. Whereas drug repurposing or drug repositioning is relatively inexpensive as all the formalities to approve a drug have already been taken place and the drug is ready to be bought into the market. For example – Viagara was used to treat hypertension and angina; one of its side effects was that it induced penile erection and now after tweaking the drug a little, it is being used to cure erectile dysfunction.
Secondly, many of the interactions between drug compounds and pharmacological targets are unknown. Discovering these interactions plays a crucial role in developing new targets for existing drugs or discovering novel drug candidates for current targets.
Methods and Data Set
In this section I will go through how a general DTI model presented works and what things I did differently.
General Data-Set
The most widely used Dataset is referred to as the “Gold Standard Dataset” and has four types of protein targets which are: GPCR, Nuclear Receptor, ion channel and enzyme. It was released by Yaminishi et al. All of the interactions in this dataset are based on DrugBank, BRENDA, KEGG BRITE and SuperTarget Database.
Data-Set Mine
To evaluate the proposed DTI Model, I used the protein-ligand complex files and the FASTA files in the PDB; The protein structure, binding site and the ligand were extracted from these files. First, all the PDB ID’s under the “Source Organism” sections were gathered. Secondly, all the Complex files and the FASTA files for these ID’s were downloaded and saved, there were a total of 96,000 unique ID’s. Thirdly, an algorithm (Discussed below) was used to extract the binding sites and the corresponding ligand present there.
Calculating Possible Negative Interactions
There are 158,000 total binding sites, but the number of unique binding sites is equal to the number of Unique Positive interactions which is 55681.
Let there be “L” ligands and “B” unique binding sites
On an average, each protein has 3 unique ligands binding to it.
For a negative interaction, I randomly select a ligand which is not a binder to the protein.
On an average, each binding site can have L – 3 negative interactions.
So, for B binding sites, there can be (L-3)^B possible negative interactions.
Filtering out Protein-Ligand complex files
A File was loaded as a RdKit molecule, if the molecule could not be sanitized, it was neglected.
Extracting Binding Site
A protein-ligand complex file was read using RdKit and all the atoms were segregated into ATOMS (Corresponding to the residues/ atoms of the protein) and HETATM (Corresponding to the residues/ atoms of the ligand/ water molecule). All the water molecules under HETATM were removed. Then the coordinates, residue ID and Chain of each ligand attached were extracted. All the ATOMS present within 4A of the ligand coordinates were said to be the atoms of the binding site. After these atoms were extracted, the entire residue which these atoms belonged to were considered to be the primary binding site residues.
The residues present under REMARK 800 (labelled as AC1, AC2 and so on) for each ligand were considered to be the secondary residues for the binding site. A union of the primary and secondary were taken to form the final binding site.
Once the binding site was constructed, it was checked if it could be sanitized; If it could not be, it was neglected.
Blacklisting Ligands
There are some ligands which are very small and others which occur very frequently; In order to remove these ligands, a minimum threshold of 17 atoms was enforced on each ligand. So, if the number of atoms in a ligand were less than 17, it was blacklisted and not considered.
This is very important, as if I considered ligands which were occurring very frequently, the model would be biased to the properties of such ligands and always predict them to be binders.
Calculating Features
The model requires 4 different types of features to be calculated: Ligand, Binding Site, Sequence and Volume.
The ligand features/ properties were calculated using RdKit and by using the library PyDPI (which was outdated and most of the code had to be modified). Example of a few features are: Crippen Log P, Number of Hydrogen Bond Donors/ Acceptors, maximum positive/ negative charge etc.
Binding Site
These features were the same as the Ligand features but calculated for the binding site instead.
The entire sequence was used to calculate the features/ properties of the protein (entire protein). Each Functional group in a Sequence has different properties; and using these properties of each functional group, the properties like Hydrophobicity, Electronegativity, Di-peptide Composition etc were calculated.
Ex: Calculate Hydrophobicity of Sequence: AAARRRNNNDDDARAA
There are 6 A’s, 4R’s, 3 N’s and 3 D’s
Hydrophobicity of each group:
A: 0.02
R: -0.42
N: -0.77
D: -1.04
F(A) = Hydrophobicity of A * occurrence of A
Overall = (F(A) + F(R) + F(N) + F(N) + F(D)) / length of sequence
Overall = (6*0.02 + 4*(-0.42) + 3*(-0.77) + 3*(-1.04)) / (6+4+3+3)
The volume feature is the volume of the binding site, which is calculated using PyVol. In order to calculate the volume, we need the Residue ID and the PDB ID of the Ligand attached to the Binding Site (which are noted down while extracting the binding site).
In total there were 1012 Features
Representing and Merging Features
Representing Features
Each feature was calculated independently (each feature calculated was a numerical value) and stored as a hash map to ensure very fast retrieval. The keys for the hash map were:
Binding Sites: a tuple which contained the PDB ID, Ligand ID, chain ID and the Residue ID.
Sequence: tuple of sequence ID and chain ID.
Ligand: it was the Ligand ID
Volume: it was the same as the keys for Binding Site.
Merging Features
The Binding Site Map key contains information regarding every other key and also that the total number of positive interactions is equal to the number of Binding Sites; I looped over all the keys of Binding Site, used the keys to get all the other features and merged them. Demonstrated below:
After generating the positive data, all the redundant rows were removed leaving me with 30,000 unique positive data-points.
Generating Negative Data
As discussed above, negative data was generated by random selection. To generate this data, the columns containing the ligand features were separated out of the positive dataset. The ligand features were shuffled row-wise and then appended back to the remaining dataset.
This technique was used over other techniques as it was 10-20 times faster than other techniques of sampling.
Considering the complexity of DTI classification in terms of pattern recognition I opted to implement different classification models to determine which provides the best predictive performance. The predictive models used in this study were implemented using scikit-learnand XgBoost, a Python package to perform data mining, data analysis and machine learning tasks. I implemented three different classification models Random Forest, SVM and XgBoost. In the end, I had an option to use either of the classifiers or use an ensemble of them to get a better result.
Each classifier was trained with the positive and negative data as discussed above, their hyperparameters were tuned and were trained using 10 fold Cross Validation.
Random Forest
10 Fold CV Accuracy:78.57%
10 Fold CV Accuracy:80.68%
10 Fold CV Accuracy:84.4%
Case Study - Negative Data
Negative data plays a huge part in the model; the amount of negative data generated alone can affect the model a lot. Most of the researchers use 10 times the negative data. In this study, I will show you the effects of different sizes of negative data using the confusion matrix.
All tests were conducted on Random Forest
PS: Confusion Matrix Representation:
True Positive | False Positive | False Negative | True Negatives
0.5 times negative data
Confusion Matrix: 7074 | 2653 | 55 | 895
I can clearly see that the model is biased towards positive data and predicts most of the data to be positive. But if it predicts a molecule to be negative, it does so with high accuracy.
Would be used if False Negatives mattered a lot.
1 times negative data
Confusion Matrix: 5687 | 1411 | 1433 | 5705
I can clearly see that the model is not biased towards positive or the negative data and predicts.
Would be used when both False Negatives and Positives matter equally.
3 times negative data
Confusion Matrix: 2455 | 4626 | 76 | 21315
I can clearly see that the model is biased towards negative data and predicts most of the data to be negative. But if it predicts a molecule to be negative, it does so with high accuracy.
Would be used if False Positives mattered a lot.
Final Decision
For my application, as both False and True Negatives play a huge role. Hence, I went with 1 times negative data.
Case Study - Predict Cure
Using the model I built, I scanned the entire database of approved drugs and predicted 248 of them to be a possible cure of COVID-19.
Other researchers in the team had very similar results.
Histone deacetylase is among the most promising therapeutic targets for cancer treatment and is well researched in the field of medicine. There are 14 approved cures/inhibitors of HDAC.
Out of the 14, my model correctly identified 8 of them from the database of drugs, hence showcasing how powerful the model I build really is.
I developed a predictive model from scratch which would predict Drug-Target Interaction using various Machine Learning algorithms like Random Forest, SVM and XgBoost and achieved incredible ROC values and accuracy by performing 10 fold cross-validation. This significant ROC is achieved because of the use of an extra set of features which are the binding site features. It demonstrates that the findings of my proposed model will enrich the future research, especially in the drug-target interaction area. I also studied various sizes of negative data, came to the conclusion that the size of it depends on your application and made predictions regarding the cure for COVID-19.